Noodle / Pasta Industry

Sample Recipe

Gluten Free Pasta Trial


Make a Gluten Free pasta with good processing and eating qualities.



  • Bindaze Yellow, wholegrain maize flour
  • Vegebind P, cooked yellow pea flour
  • Salt
  • Xanthan Gum
  • Guar Gum
  • Water


  • Mix dry ingredients then add water and mix to a smooth dough
  • Sheet dough
  • Cut pasta strips
  • Cook in boiling water


  • Note initial sheeted dough, cohesiveness
  • Note cooked pasta, visual and eating quality


Ingredient Control +5%
Vegebind P
Vegebind P
Vegebind P
        + Xanthan and Guar
Bindaze Yellow 100% 95% 90% 85%
Vegebind P 0 5% 10% 15%
Salt 1% 1% 1% 1%
Xanthan Gum 0 0 0 0.50%
Guar Gum 0 0 0 0.50%
Water 70% 70% 70% 70%



  • Very dry and tended to break up when sheeted
  • Cooked and went quite mushy

5% Vegebind P

  • Broke up when handling dry
  • Pasta was better but slightly mushy

10% Vegebind P

  • Held together better when dry
  • Pasta better again and ate well

15% Vegebind P

  • Good fresh pasta, good cohesive dough, possible could use less water
  • Pasta good eating
  • Best product, the addition of Xanthan and Guar gum helps with the cohesiveness of the dough.


A good eating Gluten Free pasta can be produced using Bindaze Yellow (heat treated wholegrain yellow maize flour) in combination with a good protein source, Vegebind P (pre-cooked yellow pea flour). The protein helps to retain moisture and improve the cohesiveness of the pasta dough. Addition of Xanthan Gum and Guar gum also helps to improve the overall resilience of the pasta dough for sheeting, extrusion and general handling of the dough for pasta production.

Gluten Free Pasta Vegebind P by 5%, 10%, 15%

Gluten Free Pasta Vegebind P by 5%, 10%, 15%

Gluten Free Pasta Vegebind P by 5%

Gluten Free Pasta Vegebind P by 5%

Gluten Free Pasta Vegebind P by 10%

Gluten Free Pasta Vegebind P by 10%

Gluten Free Pasta Vegebind P by 15%

Gluten Free Pasta Vegebind P by 15%

+ 0.5% Xanthan and 0.5% Guar Gum